Just kidding...

I hate when I doubt myself and my talent. You know, when you you hit a slump and you start hearing in the back of your head. "who are you kidding, you're not an artist, you just make stuff."
I was bummed because I only sold 3 of those wee art quilty ornaments at the Clay Squared show and my recycled sweater purses are always big comment getters but no one buys them at shows.

But then... I start work on something like this:

I find out the sweater bags ARE selling in San Fransisco, I will have dolls published in the Feb. issue of Legacy and I just got accepted to Craftstravaganza.

In the spirit of waking my muse and shutting down the critic, I updated my Etsy shop with some new buttons and a few of those wee art quilties. If you don't see one listed that you like, take a look at them all here and drop me a note, chances are, it's still available.

Let us speak of purses and planes...

Here are all the purses I was working on last weekend. I will be vending tonight at a fundraiser for breast cancer. A portion of my sales will be donated as well as the proceeds from a raffle the event host is sponsoring.

And that thing about planes, well my hubby informed me I need to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 9 am so I can fly out and meet him in San Francisco for a quick weekend get away. We will get back just in time to celebrate Robyn's 9th birthday!
Yes, I will take pictures and report on our adventures when I get back. For those of you new to this blog, hubby is known for these little flings, you can read about the last one, here.
Talk to you all on Monday!
Be good while I am away!