Plushie Parade...

Still sick but now on heavy antibiotics, so there is hope.
Here are some friends I have been creating, just for the hell of it and having way too much fun...

This is Earl, he spends most of his time drinking coffee and looking for his keys. I sent him to my goddessmother for her birthday and apparently her friends thought he was hilarious, even more so when they realized he was anatomically correct.

Unnamed sock monster (Christmas present for nephew) and the winter solstice monkey. Playing around with construction techniques, I combined the ease of this book with the quirkiness of this book to create the monster.

Meet Miss Lilly Belle.
Sure she looks sweet and adorable and she is, but she has a sassy side too.
She likes tea parties but she LOVES beer and dancing all night long.
Created for a swap with Miz. Monica, had so much fun decided to teach it at summer art camp!

Sid, a sock monkey with attitude. Created for a friend for her birthday.

Another shot of the Love Bugs. These little guys are made from recycled wool and filled with flax and lavender. This batch went over to I Like You in So. Minneapolis. My kids loved them so much, I made one for each of them for Valentine's Day.

Bloggy Birthday...

Here, have a cupcake! I've been blogging for 2 years now, off and on. Made some stuff, met some folks and generally just having a good time.
As a thank you to everyone who stops by to see what silliness I am up to, please leave me a comment and I'll draw a name on Friday and send you your very own wool felt cupcake ornie!

Here are the wee houses I did as well. The doors and windows are needlefelted on. I needed an excuse to buy 2 new pairs of pinking shears (wave and scallop) and the felt is the perfect reason.

I know you all want the details about Vegas. I will share some later, have to get the G rated pix off of hubby's camera first.

Where the hell have I been...

A vaild question indeed. I have been right here working my ass off.

I am sure you figured out I always make the halloween costumes, right? Here are this year's
Robyn's is based on a drawing she did( with some minor alterations by mom)

and Q's is all about the light saber.

He was a knight last year so I had to relent on the whole weapon thing but I do draw the line at guns, we shall have none of that, thank you very much.

Z is just doing her thing, she found a tutu in the dress up box and we just went with it. The girl loves to twirl!

I also whipped up a t shirt for myself. I am totally digging this raw edge applique look.

On another note I am finishing up wee quilty ornaments for the
Fourth Annual Made in Minnesota Show My plan is to have 25 so I best get back to it. I am going to set them up on Sunday, I'll try and remeber top take some pictures.